The Good and Bad

One more lesson in BALANCE…

Life has opposites…

Good and bad, happy and sad, excitement and overwhelm, etc.

If you feel good half the time and some other undesirable feeling the other half the time…

You have balance.

Without the bad, we wouldn’t know the good.  Without the sad we wouldn’t know the happy.  Without the overwhelm we wouldn’t know the excitement.

The problem is, we spend A LOT of time focusing on the bad and undesirable emotions…

We ruminate about what has gone wrong.  We don’t forgive when we probably should… We avoid allowing the natural flow and direction in our lives.  Then, at our whit’s end – we blow up!  Causing and explosion of negative emotion that feels like it outweighs the good in our lives.

But, what if we made a better effort to look for the good and be grateful for it?  What if we made as big a deal about the good as we did the bad?  How would your life change?

You can shift the FOCUS of your life to notice the good again, and achieve… BALANCE!


I hope this month has given you a new perspective on BALANCE! 

When you feel out of balance…

Look back at the different ways you can achieve balance…

  1. Standing still on two feet
  2. Shifting your weight from one thing to another
  3. Using the pieces of life to propel you forward into good things
  4. Finding direction
  5. Prioritizing your time and talents-Spinning the plates
  6. Accept the good and the bad as the natural flow

And remember, you don’t have to do this alone!

Christ is there blocking the wind when you need to stand still, catching you when you fall, running behind your bike, guiding your direction, helping spin the plates, and during the good and bad! 

Learn to #hearhim…

–This is a work in progress, but it’s easier to do with a friend.  Someone who can see what you can’t.  Someone who can cheer you on, when you feel defeated.  Someone who has traveled that path before and can help you see the lessons in the journey.  I would love to be that friend for you!  Sign up for a FREE mini session Here and Let’s talk!

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