The Law of … (part 1)

Law of Perpetual Transmutation

The first law states “everything is coming into physical form or going out of it.”

Like the chemical compound H2O, it can move from vapor, to water, to ice and back again.

It is either coming into physical form or going out of physical form.

All blessings start because we have ‘a thought!’

You want to learn a new skill – so you set a goal, and take action.

You want to improve a relationship – so you practice loving and forgiving, etc.

You want to change your circumstances – so you start looking for ideas and ways you can improve your circumstances.

All of these start with a thought, or seeds, we plant along the journey we call life. 

Some get planted in fertile ground, are nourished, and grow.

Some get dropped in rocky ground and we have to put forth more effort to help the seed grow, despite our circumstances (fair or not).

Some get dropped in the weeds and get choked out (because we don’t believe).

Others fall by the wayside and fizzle out, (because we change our mind or we don’t nourish it for whatever reason).

Our ‘thoughts’ are the ground we drop those seeds into also…

Is it fertile?

Do you believe, and are you willing to believe without evidence that it’s working – for at time?  (this is faith)

Or do you doubt, fear, or give up – choking your desire, or stomping it out because you don’t see the evidence quickly…

Now, this is not the end… thoughts, create feelings and feelings drive our actions – so we must take action along the way also.  We cannot just ‘think’ our way to success, but it is where we start and it will help or hurt us along the way – so just be aware.

The law of Vibration

This law states “everything is in a state of vibration, and that vibration is a medium for transferring signals.”

Back to our H2O analogy: what is the difference between steam, water, and ice?

The rate of the vibrating H20 (steam is vibrating very fast, where ice is vibrating very slow).

Ideas vibrate very fast… the more we ponder, create, and take action the slower the vibration becomes until it is a tangible result.

I’ve talked about EMOTION as a vibration we hold in our body. 

When you are angry, you attract more anger (like those bad days that just get worse)

When you are happy, you attract more joy (like those days when nothing can get you down)

Like tuning your radio to the right station…

The music is already in the room, you just can’t hear it till you’ve tuned the radio to the right station.

Likewise, all emotional vibrations are available to you, you just need to tune your radio into the vibration you want for the day. 

These vibrations, or emotions, send out signals to others and things to come to you because they match your vibration (making bad days worse, or good days better, or deciding to change the station from a bad day to a good day –it’s up to you).

In theory, it sounds simple… I know.

In reality, it can seem more complicated…

This is why I have spent a significant amount of time learning to manage my emotions (vibrations) in safe and healthy ways.

In reality, we are human!  We experience the good and the bad, the sad and the happy – we try out all the vibrations.  That’s normal!

The goal isn’t “never tune into or experience negative emotion…”

The goal IS “how do I manage these vibrations so I can live a life full of growth and experiences that ultimately lead me to joy and fulfillment.”

The goal IS “to become emotionally resilient!”

The law of Relativity

This law states that “nothing we experience is fundamentally good or bad.”

This law focuses on perspective…

AND how to bring more GRATITUDE into our lives.

Bad things that happen to us are only bad relative to something better…

When thinking of the circumstances of the Willy Handcart Company, are you grateful to be where you are instead of there?  I am!

What if the Lord could help us feel differently about our burdens?

It reminds me of the people of Helam (Mosiah 23 and 24)…

The people were prospering and the Lamanite army came in and took over, placing heavy burdens on them.

The people cried unto the Lord in their circumstances, and hushed their fears…

The Lord heard their cries and promised them, “I know of the covenant which you have made unto me; and I will deliver [you] out of bondage”… in time.

So they “submitted cheerfully and with patience”…

Their burdens didn’t change, but the way they handled them did.

Sometimes it’s after we allow ourselves to feel differently that the blessings we seek come.

The Lord did deliver them from bondage, after they changed their vibration…

And “they poured out their thanks to God”…

We can have gratitude for our present conditions, no matter what they are, because it is the lessons of the present that prepare us for the blessings of the future.

Our perspective matters, and will allow or reject the blessings we seek. 

Gratitude is a fantastic vibration to strive for – it brings miracles!  And miracles are the evidence of our faith growing.

–If you are interested in learning how to work with these laws with customized tools for you, and not go crazy trying to be perfect at it – message me and let’s talk! Sign up HERE and we’ll talk 🙂

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