The Law of … (part 2)

The law of Polarity

This law states that “everything has an opposite…”

There is no up without a down.  There is no right without being left first.  There is not order without first being chaos.  We would not know good, if we didn’t have bad to see the difference.  One is meaningless without the other.

The law also states that “everything has an opposite that is of equal degree…”

Circumstances have both good and bad in them…

When we experience bad, we can be assured there is something within it that is equally good…

Are you willing to watch for it?  To open your eyes to see the potential good?  Can you develop the patience and trust in God to see the good?

Yes, things get hard.  But that is the evidence you need to know that your reward is that much closer.

“after the trial of your faith,” why? 

Because in the trial of faith we learn to believe anyway, to trust God with ALL our hearts (not just part of it), to develop the patience required keep going even when there is no evidence that it’ll work out (or how it will work out).

The polarity exists to help us grow! 

There wouldn’t be problems to solve, or people to help.  We wouldn’t feel the need to improve… 

There wouldn’t be a need for emotion at all, and I quite like feeling happy and joyful – so I’m willing to feel sad and frustrated sometimes also.

As we develop faith, we experience opposition.  Be grateful for it (however you can), and believe it is the evidence you are headed in the right direction.  Keep after those GOOD desires, goals, and dreams!

The law of Rhythm

This law is the “ebb and flow of life.”

Like the ocean waves, the tide comes in… and the tide goes out (every day, year after year).

When you look back at life, can you see good years and bad years, good days and bad days?

Do you see the ups and the downs…

What we learn from this law is…


If you are on a down, expect an up… and really expect it!

This law helps us look forward, with certainty, for God’s blessings in our lives!  By law!

This law give us HOPE!!

When you are experiencing despair, remember you can count on things improving – so start looking for the evidence of it (this is hopeful, and hope drives us to take positive actions).

I’m not saying the tough times suddenly get better, but that you will manage your thoughts and emotions through the tough time with greater hope and faith.  It might feel pretty awful, but in the back of your mind you remember this law and feel a little bit better, and take one tiny step with faith.

The Law of Cause and Effect

This is the law where we put all our thoughts and emotions we’ve been practicing into ACTION!!!

This law states that “every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause.  Nothing happens by chance.”

What you send out… comes back to you…

If you put good out into the world, good will be returned to you!

This law reminds us to send out good into the world – to be charitable and kind, understanding and loving!

And remember, it doesn’t matter where it will return… just be willing to accept the returned blessings however they show up.

If you want good relationships, work on your end – become a person with whom others would like to be with.

If you want prosperity, seek to multiply what the Lord has already given you for the purpose of doing more good.

If you want to improve a talent or skill, practice, put for the effort (even if it looks messy a lot). When you take a step towards the thing you desire, that thing you desire takes a step towards you…  reminding us to keep moving (even if it is imperfect and a little scattered).

The Law of Gender

This law states that “in all creation there is male and female…”

There is one to plant the seed (idea) and one to grow the seed (idea)

Sometimes this is the same person – like you setting and achieving your goals.

Notice that many of these laws focus on ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’…  this is the idea planting phase.

And some of these laws focus on ‘taking action’… this is the idea growing phase.

Surround yourself with people and ideas that inspire you to become who you want to be. 

Stand in holy places, where you can be still and inspired to know the Lord’s miracle filled life for you.

Let the spirit guide your thoughts and desires.

The Law of Gestation

This law states that “every seed has an incubation period.”

Farmers know how long it takes to grow their crops, and different animals know how long it takes to grow their babies.

Every idea also has an incubation period, and we don’t know what that is, but…

The more we seek for answers, the more we will find answers. 

What effort are you willing to put into it?  Are you willing to challenge your old beliefs for maybe something better?

The greater our degree of faith also has an effect. 

Can you believe anyway and trust God’s ways and will for you?  Do you notice the blessings (even if it looks a little different – maybe even more wonderful that you had imagined)?  Are you developing the patience and gratitude to expect miracles to happen frequently in your life?

It’s hard to know how long the incubation period is and if you’ve shorted or lengthened it by your thoughts and actions… but know this…

Positive thoughts and actions are much more powerful than negative ones, so…

When you have a hard time, break down, or come apart for a time – don’t worry!

The Lord made room for this, lots of it!  Turn to Him for help.

All is not lost, you do not have to start over – just pick up where you left off, and believe that Christ’s atonement even covers “the break downs!”

In fact, I have started to embrace my “break down” times.  It means that my old vibration is shifting and causing chaos inside…

But it’s almost broken free from the old mold and into the new!  This is great news!

Because new miracles are on the horizon!

–If you would like help ACHIEVING your goals, and getting through all the “I give up” parts, sign up HERE and let’s chat.  I can help you understand why they are messy and how to get through them – it’ll be fun!

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