The Relationship Cycle

When people accept our friendships, our love, and our invitations we feel wonderful!

But sometimes they don’t.

Being rejected doesn’t feel nice and we don’t want to feel that again – so by default we stop offering the gospel or our friendship to others.

I get it, it’s hard to want to keep inviting them to come and belong if they just don’t want to.

So, let’s talk about what’s YOUR part, what’s THEIR part, and what’s the SPIRIT’s part.

You are responsible for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and results.

For example: Are you interested in bringing people to Christ?  What are your thoughts about this?  Are you inviting with love and genuine concern or out of obligation?  Could you work on this approach?  Are you inviting others to come and see or are you doing nothing?  Why?

All of these things are within your control.

When you have your thoughts, feelings and actions in alignment with Christ, inviting others to the gospel is much easier on your end.

So, what is THEIR responsibility?

Your invitation becomes their circumstance.

They will have several thoughts about your invitation: good, bad, concerned, uncertain, undecided, etc.

This will cause a slew of emotions in them: excitement, annoyed, uncertain, overwhelmed, blessed, etc.

These feelings will cause them to act: “say yes,” “come to church or an activity,” “get mad,” “be annoyed at you (sorry-that’s what we don’t like),” etc.

All of these thoughts, feelings and actions are NOT YOUR FAULT.  It is simply a reflection of how they feel about the invitation…TODAY!

I say TODAY, because you could have the same conversation on another day, and they would be very open to it.

So don’t give up after one rejection (or several).

The SPIRIT’s part is to testify truth to a willing and open heart.  At the right time they will feel those stirrings and respond.

So follow the spirit… forgive their outburst (it wasn’t about you anyway), continue to be friendly and kind, continue to build the relationship and when the spirit prompts—

Invite them again!

Parable of the Great Supper (Luke 14:16-24)

I have been thinking a lot about this parable lately… (read it in Luke 14:16-24)

But let me point out a few things pertaining to “inviting.”

When the servants went out to get the people for the feast, at first, they rejected the invitation for a bunch of reasons.

So the servants went out and invited other people who gladly came.

But there was still room…

So the servants went out and gather the next group of people who were ready!

Still there was room.

And so it went until the feast was full.

I like to think that eventually, those originally invited to the feast, came around and decided to go after several invitations and reminders.

The point is, the invitation kept going out to all the people!  Over and over again, until they were all gathered in.

Some came immediately, some later, some at the last moment…

We don’t know the Lord’s time-table for all His people, but we do know…

ALL are invited to the great supper of the Lord.

Let us be the persistent servants who keep going out and inviting the people to come, until we are all there!

–I have a 3 part mini videos series and workbook that goes into more detail about this relationship cycle.  If you are interested message me and I’ll send you the link .

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