The Savior can help Anxiety

Since our emotions come from our thoughts…

Here are a list of thoughts about the Savior that help me manage stress, worry, and anxiety…

“Christ understands, and that is enough for now!”

“Christ has … what I don’t have … I’m so grateful He’s got that!”

“Christ is not in a hurry.  His timing is perfect – I trust that.”

“I’m just where I am supposed to be, not behind, not ahead – just right!”

“I’m making steady progress and Christ is helping me.”

“Christ can and will MULTIPLY my simple efforts… so what I am doing is enough!  And I am enough!”

“My children/husband/teenager is just where they are supposed to be and they are doing a good job.  Christ knows them and is helping them, so I can let go and let God.”

“It’s okay for me to allow (this emotion), it’s part of the human experience.”

“Christ believes in me, so I’ll lean on that.”

Because Christ atoned for us, He can succor our every emotion!  He knows the way(s) that would be best for you to deal with anxiety, no matter what primary emotion accompanies it.   Turn to Him, believe in His power, allow it to work for you!  He delivers on His promises – allow them!

Stress, worry, anxiety can be a heavy burden.

It shows up in lots of different ways.

I’m sorry!

These mindful thoughts, tips and tools can help you!

You can add them to what you are already doing if you’d like!

If nothing else, they can help you become more emotionally resilient or help you know you are not alone. 

You are amazing!  You are perfect just the way you are.  I love you!

–If you’d like more help dealing with anxiety, or discovering the primary emotions that come up most for you, sign up for a FREE 30-minute mini session HERE.

–art credit: Lori Adams (my talent sister-in-law)

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