Pumpkins, decorations, dressing up, carnivals, chili cook offs, trick or treating, etc. I love it all! It is the time for family, friends & fun for me. In our world of busy-ness and work we often forget to take time to enjoy our lives – right now, and BE in the present moment! Louise Hay, author of Heal Your Body, says, “What we’re choosing to think and say, today, at this moment, will create tomorrow, and the next day, and the next week, and the next month, and the next year, and so on. The point of power is always in the present moment.”
What does that mean? Every moment of life you are creating, by your thoughts, spoken and unspoken, what you want for your future experiences. The words you think and say hold immense power and are part of your overall health. How does the thoughts I have, conscious or subconscious, or words I say effect my physical health? Great question!
Your biology can hear your words, spoken or in thought, and obeys! If you are saying, “I feel great and am loving life!” Your biology will respond by increasing your immune system to fight off dis-ease. If you say, “I’m tired,” or “I can’t …” your biology will obey and create conditions in your life that create the feeling of ‘tired’ or some dis-ease so that you can’t do what you may want. Interestingly enough, we tend to get sick when we feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unable to cope with life. So our biology responds by creating conditions where we must slow down, de-stress, and take care so that we can again cope with life.
When these thoughts or words are repeated often, they form habits and coping mechanisms for the body. Do you have a tendency to get a certain sickness or dis-ease over and over? I wonder what conscious or subconscious thoughts are contributing to creating that in your life? There are several great books that can help you discover some possible origins, thought patterns, for your dis-ease AND some suggestions on how to change that pattern in your life.
Louise Hay “Heal Your Body” is a great little reference book, as well as, “The Healing Questions Guide” by Wendi Jensen. These are my go-to books to help uncover the mental and emotional causes of pain and dis-ease.
A foot zone is great for emotional and mental health by helping to clear out the negative energies being held. These negative energies (caused by faulty thought patterns and emotional traumas) hold a low vibration in the body, causing it to weaken and dis-ease to occur. When we clear out or alter these energies the body comes back into ‘ease’ and is able to heal. A foot zone also, helps to reconnect you to your perfect blueprint and reprograms all your body systems to function properly. Now that the mental and emotional disturbances are out of the way and the body has been connected to its perfect state, healing can occur quickly and often miraculously!
So, what are you thinking or saying this time of year? Are you enjoying life? Are you stressed or overwhelmed? What do you want to create, right now, and how do your thoughts and words reflect that? Even though I love all the festivities, I have to pay careful attention to my thoughts and words. Sometimes I need to take a night off, simplify, or reprioritize so I can keep myself in a state of ‘ease’ and enjoying life. As I have practiced listening to my thoughts and words, I have avoided many illnesses. When I do get sick, I love myself! I get a foot zone and tell my body that I am so grateful that it heals so quickly. I apologize for over working it. Amazingly it responds to my new words & thoughts by healing very quickly. Begin to heal your life by taking charge of your thoughts and words.
And have a fun Happy Halloween!
I appreciate your comments, after meeting you I enjoyed your positivity and the energy, I’ve not experienced that in a very long time. I don’t celebrate holidays, live by the seasons