Unintentional vs. Intentional

My unintentional life story: my two favorite pretend games when I was little was house and teacher.

As I grew, I also discovered that I enjoyed being artistic and I enjoyed writing, but I didn’t focus on these two things much.

So, I pursued a career path in teaching.

Ultimately, I married a wonderful man and started having children, a dream come true for me.  And the only thing I thought I needed to be perfectly happy forever.

But as I sat looking at my first newborn baby while he was sleeping day after day, I got bored.

Thankfully my mother sent me a magazine subscription that rekindled my interest in art, reminding me that it was okay to have other interests and dreams, even while I was enjoying my growing family. 

Though more slowly, I allowed time to pursue other interests and dreams that kept me growing personally.

Eventually, I started teaching art at a craft store once or twice a month and enjoyed that for many years.

Over time that caused me to take an interest in taking better pictures and I became a professional photographer for a while.

Then life gave me some really big lemons for a season…

As I picked up the pieces of my life, I began to define motherhood differently, in a more healthy way J

As I became the mom I really wanted to be, I re-discovered my love for teaching in the coaching space and my love for writing reemerged again after years of being dormant.

And here I am today.

As I reflect on my childhood, unintentionally I manifested many things into my life over the years.  Many dreams come true, and it has been filled with great memories.

But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows like it sounds…

Each one has had its own challenges, and many times I wanted to give it up because it was uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and hard work. 

I am still learning to accept that this is part of the process of manifesting, and learning to recognize the patterns so I can consciously create more joy, peace, and love into my favorite pursuits in life.

This is what manifesting looks like in a life without INTENTIONALLY manifesting things –

It took a long time for many of these things to show up in my physical world and I often didn’t recognize the blessing they were until later, because I was focused on the struggle more than the joy it would bring me.

Nevertheless, I have enjoyed the journey!  And I hope you are enjoying the journey your life is taking you on.

–What’s your accidental manifesting stories?


Manifesting Intentionally

If we can manifest this kind of life unintentionally, what could we do if we were INTENTIONALLY creating?

Well, I’ve experimented with this also…

When I started to learn you could manifest on purpose, of course I wanted to change everything I didn’t like about my life… immediately!

I started with simple, little things like a parking spot close to the front door of a store, or a box of colored pencils.

Slowly I moved into manifesting more money, a better lifestyle, and better relationships (the basics-right-lol).

I think I am still a novice, but I’m still trying…

I’ve learned the more impact it has on your life, the more effort (time, energy, belief, faith, and sometimes action) it will take. 

So don’t get discouraged if it takes some time to practice this new muscle called manifesting consciously.

But eventually, my husband and I manifested a better job for him (a whole story itself) …

And a better lifestyle for our family, including a beautiful home and great friends.

I put lots of effort emotionalizing about these things for several years.

Feeling overwhelmed by the idea?, Ya me to!

So recently I have just enjoyed manifesting medium things…

Like a camp trailer, canning jar supplies, and a perfect job for my life right now.

–What kinds of things would you like to manifest in your life?

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