Uniting Families for Eternity

As we look towards uniting families for eternity, there are a few things we can do.

One of them is to strive to be “Recommended to the Lord.” 

Not perfect, but working towards it.

“To be recommended to the Lord is to be reminded of what is expected of a covenant-keeping latter-day saint.” –Rasband, Oct. 2020 Liahona

It is a reminder that we have chosen to LIVE the gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, make covenants, endure to the end).

Second, we should be preparing to receive and work on keeping our temple covenants.

As we work towards cleaning our hearts and minds, and focusing on the Savior, we receive and “endowment of power.”

This power is often associated with an outpouring of spiritual gifts and help from on high.

As the days we live in get more chaotic, divisive, and wicked – we will need more spiritual momentum and more spiritual power from on high to withstand the evils that bombard us.

These practices UNITE us with Jesus Christ and His eternal principles, and give us the power to navigate the days ahead.

How does this “power” show up?

You will be more protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary.

You will feel more closeness and joy in your family relationships.

You’re knowledge of the Savior will increase and you will feel His comforting power more often.

You will be inspired by thoughts that bring you closer to the Savior and know what to say when you need to say it.

You will be at peace even in great storms, knowing that Jesus Christ is at the helm and will guide you safely through.  It’ll be easier to trust Him!

These promises and blessing are worth the effort!

A Positive Influence in the home

As we work to unite ourselves with Jesus Christ, we will be a positive influence in our home.

And never underestimate the power of a mother’s example in the home!

It might not seem that way day-to-day, but if you keep consistent habits of daily scriptures study and prayer, over time you’ll look back and see the impact those decisions made on you and your family.

As you become one with Christ, you will influence the relationships in your home.

A kind and loving mother, who seeks Jesus first, will be more understanding and be able to help her children. 

She will naturally teach positive thinking patterns to her children (just by interacting with them), because she was taught them by Jesus Christ in the scriptures.

These positive thinking patterns will help your children enter the world with more confidence in who they are, what they believe, and that they are loved no matter what storms they find themselves in.

It also builds trust in Jesus Christ and trust in family relationships, and when the storms rage (because they will), they will know who to turn to when they feel beaten and battered!

The children and youth of today are strong and resilient, but they need us to be prepared to help them.

We are a family of individuals.  We are strong on our own, but we are stronger together!

Let’s work towards uniting our homes and be the strongholds the world needs during these turbulent times.

The welding link in the chain of our generations

As we work towards uniting all of God’s children…

“We honor our ancestors by opening the heavens through temple and family history work and becoming the welding link in the chain of our generations.” –Gong (Liahona, May 2022, pg44).

I love this idea of being “the welding link.”

It’s time to do the spiritual, emotional and mental work that connects all of God’s children to Him.

We are the generation to do the largest amount of temple work for our ancestors. 

We have more temples than ever before, closer to us than ever before.

This is not a coincidence.

The Lord is making this possible so that we can, if we choose to, weld together all His children.

Those who accept His gospel on the other side of the veil will come forth in the morning of the first resurrection…

And be united with their families once again. 

How can I deny my ancestors such a beautiful gift!

In return, I am certain they are there to protect, help, and guide me through these turbulent times – and I am open to receiving all the help I can get!!

It is a win-win situation!

–What other blessings you do receive as you do family history and temple work?  Share with us below!

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