Virtue-Accurate Thinking

As I sat pondering what has been going on in the world and our country lately…

I wonder, “where do all these different ideas come from?”

The answer, of course, is our THOUGHTS (and there are LOTS of opinions out there).

Those thoughts, drive our actions.

Unfortunately, there seems to be so many issues dividing us, it’s sad.

Everybody finds a group of people who thinks the way they do and they band together, believing that “if there are this many of us, well then, it must be true and we must be right.”

I often wonder, “What are they thinking that is causing them to respond to the issues, the way they are?”

I spend time trying to understand both sides of the issues…

Then prayerfully ask Heavenly Father to help me understand how He sees these issues.

I’ve had some random and wonderful teaching moments with the Spirit because of my curiousity.

He always brings me back to these questions:

  • Will this kind of thinking, create a feeling of love, charity, and unity?
  • Will this behavior help us usher in Christ’s second coming?
  • Is this the kind of thinking, and behavior, the way a Zion people would live?
  • Are we finding ways to include people, or exclude people in our beliefs?
  • Are we going about this with wisdom and order, or chaos and confusion?

I’m not going to discuss any specific issues; I hope you’ll go to the Lord for that teaching J

But I am going to discuss, in general, 10 common THINKING ERRORS that often divide us, not just as a country, but also as families; and cause us to become stuck in our thinking.

My hope is that we will examine our thinking patterns and see if we struggle with these thinking errors (yes, we all do), and discover where we could improve.

That we might be more united and filled with compassion for one another, so we can create Zion where we are.


Virtuous Thoughts

Several years ago, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, added VIRTUE to the list of qualities repeated every Sunday in the Young Women theme.

“Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly” (D&C 121:45)

Virtue can mean –accurate thinking–

Why virtue?

Because what you think, determines how you feel, and what you think and feel drives the actions you take in life.

In Moses’ time they were given a lower law – a law telling them how to ACT and what to do.

When Christ came, He gave a higher law – a way to THINK/FEEL so we could better choose to act with love and compassion.  Work on the thinking and feeling – and the actions will reflect that.

“Our thoughts play a GREAT role in how we feel, interact with others, and perceive the world around us. 

Both the Savior and the adversary seek to influence your thoughts” because they know how powerful they are (Emotional Resilience, for Self Reliance manual, page34)!

If you’re anything like me, you might get stuck in some inaccurate thinking patterns that distort your views…

Sometimes they cause us to feel bad about ourselves and others.

Focusing on what is wrong and the negative side of things, causes us to see the worst possible solutions – which causes us to feel sad, alone, worried, angry and resentful.

Instead of seeing the good in the people around us, we see what divides us, and we react in ways that we THINK will protect us from that hurt – it doesn’t work – it’s an illusion.

When we focus on the good around us, we feel confident and happy, and we serve.  We look past ourselves and learn to love others where they are, as they are… and we are uplifted in our own challenges.

We feel compassionate and seek to understand them; not to accept their way of thinking necessarily, but to simply love them. 

Yes, we’d all like the Lord to just “fix everyone to our view of thinking,” so we can feel better…

But that is not the way the Lord works.  He is patient, kind, long-suffering, and works with each of us where we are.

We can learn from His example as we approach our brothers and sisters in these trying times.

So let’s get started… what are common thinking errors we can become aware of, so we can take steps to change them…

And become a Zion people!


As many of these world issues affect our lives, and affect our families in various ways, here are some thoughts that have helped me stay hopeful and peaceful in the turmoil…

I believe, “none of the things happening in the world, our country, or our families are coincidences.”

The Lord is very aware of what is happening.  He is not surprised or caught off guard.

If your world seems to be falling apart, He is aware of you! 

As doors close or people choose differently than you do, and you worry what to do…

Know that somewhere a door is opening for you, and that people still love you!

Calm your worries long enough to look for it, ask for it, expect it, and be grateful for it.

Then act on inspired promptings, even if they don’t fit the path you thought it would… and trust His process.

He will not leave His people alone.

He knows what you need BEFORE you know you need it, always!

He’s hoping you will act with faith, even if it’s just a little faith, and see His tender mercies…

He is hoping you will yoke yourself to Him, and let Him help you carry the burden…

He is hoping to lead you to something more wonderful than you could imagine…

Even if things seem to be falling apart – 


So Christ can come again, at just the right time!

And wash away our tears, comfort our worries, and fill us with peace.

I leave my testimony with you, that as you notice these thought errors and practice making changes to them when you can…

Your families will be more loving, and we will create Zion one person, one family, and one community at a time.  Join me on this journey to create Zion where we are, so we will be ready when He comes.

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