What Do Laws Teach Us?

The thing that keeps your ideas, desires and dreams from coming to you is…

Doubt, fear and impatience

These breed frustration, resentment, anger, and mistrust.

It’s like planting a seed, and then taking it out of the ground every day to see if it’s sprouted yet –

You all know, the roots will never grow if you keep doing that.

Keep the seeds in the ground…

Let the seeds stretch their roots (unknown and unseen by you)…

The nutrients the seed needs will be drawn to it (just like the resources and opportunities you need will come to you).

Eventually it’ll spout… tenderly care for it.  Protect it from the elements (resentment, anger, doubt).

As it grows it will be able to withstand the elements more and more – as your faith will grow and help you also.

When we have faith, believe, and trust God…

We show up in life, we take action, we get help…

No matter where you are right now, know this…

God knows you, right where you are.  He is not disappointed, he is excited for you! 

He’s excited you are learning and growing! 

He will continue to encourage you, as you stumble and fall and learn throughout this process—and SUCCEED!

He will celebrate your success with you! 

As you draw near to Him, He’ll draw near to you! 

By law!

And more importantly because He loves you that much!!


I hope I have given you something to ponder this month, and see how it applies to your life. 

If I named these laws, I’d name them…

The law of creation
The law of emotion
The law of gratitude
The law of growth
The law of faith
The law of hope
The law of trust
The law of patience and perseverance

Because that is what these laws teach me. 

They teach me how to become more like Christ.

Read about these laws.  Look for examples in the scriptures, and in your life.

I shared temporal examples… I have other experiences where I was taught about these laws spiritually as well.  Try it!

Each one is its own unique miracle.

Each one has led me to more peace and joy!

Do you want to try it out?  What do you want to create with God?

–As always, I would love to help you on your miracle journey.  It is helpful to have a coach, a friend – I use one.  If I speak to you in a way that touches your heart, consider working with me. Sign up HERE and let’s see if I can help.

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