You + Christ = Miracles

Again, notice that Christ did not save any of these people from their circumstances.

He came to them IN their circumstances…

He met them where they were, as they were…

And He taught them, encouraged them, and inspired them to CHANGE…

To think about their situation differently…

To think about themselves differently…

To encounter His forgiveness and love, even if they did not think they deserved it.

To come to Him with what they had, even if it wasn’t much, so that He could make something of them.

To focus on and trust Him!

To feel differently!

Christ left them feeling hopeful, encouraged, loved, inspired, and grateful.

From these emotions they were changed and began to change their own lives.

And got new results.

He is patiently encouraging and teaching us how to be MORE LIKE HIM!

The more we BECOME like Him, the more we encounter Him! And our relationship gets better and better.


Yes, there is much we can do to improve our relationship with Christ.

Here a little and there a little…

Line upon line…

Consistent positive habits, adding up over time…

But let’s also remember, we are NOT alone!

He is there! 

In your story, in your mess!

He is doing His part (often unknown and unseen)


Just the way YOU need it to be done.

You + Christ = Miracles!

You can do anything with Christ; who strengthens you…

Even when the journey has been long…

Even when your heart is broken or you feel alone…

Even when the storm is raging around you…

Even when you don’t think you deserve it…

He sits with you there, loving you!

He offers peace in the storm.

Companionship in the loneliness.

Support on the journey.

And encouragement and inspiration all along the way.

As you allow yourself to be changed by your relationships with Christ, together you create the miracles in your life.


In Ezekiel 47, Ezekiel goes on a walk with an angel.

They talk about the temple and the waters issuing out from under it.

These are the “living waters” – or Christ.

The water HEALED everything it touched…

Then Ezekiel finds himself ankle deep, knee deep, waist deep, and then swimming in these waters…

So my question is…

How much CHRIST do you want in your life?

How immersed in your relationship with Christ do you want to be?

Ankle deep?
Knee deep?
Waist deep?
Wherever you are at (don’t feel guilty)… do you want more?

Are you willing to do the thing(s) you feel you should, to plant the seed and help it grow?

Are you willing to be changed by the process?

What have you felt prompted to do this month, as you’ve read these posts?
Make a plan, take simple inspired action steps, believe, trust, have hope and increase your faith.

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