Positive family relationships are our greatest treasure!

Do you believe that?  Do you see how your family relationships impact the way you show up in the world?  Are you ready to improve the quality of your relationships?

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I have been taught that the family is the most important unit of society and that I should cherish it and protect it.  Part of cherishing and protecting that unit is continuing to build and strengthen positive relationships with my spouse and my children.

Even though I tried to follow this council, as a young mom I found myself angry at my children and bitter at my husband a lot.  I prayed for help and support. I found answers in the scriptures, but I struggled to understand and implement those teachings. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t quite get it right or make any progress.

Something was missing in my understanding.

Soon I was lead to attend a personal development conference.  As I sat at that first three-day conference my perspective and old patterns of belief shifted, and I saw and understood gospel principles with new eyes and ears.

I took that new information home and began to act on it.  I hired other coaches along the way who taught me how the brain works, healthy ways to manage my emotions, and how to set and achieve goals (and especially what to do when the going gets rough).  And I still continued to study the scriptures.

The results have been miraculous!  My once dramatic relationship with my husband is filled with love and understanding.  My littles, who were afraid to talk to me, are now teenagers who keep me up at night laughing and talking about their lives.  And my babies are now children who have a much more loving environment and feel safe to be who they are. My family relationships are finally on the right path and improving, just like I wanted!

You can have these wonderful relationships with your family as well!!

I invite you to start your journey with me.  I have been there. A good mom and a faithful member of the church, who still needed help from others.  A friend, a coach, someone who could see what was causing my struggles, and who would lovingly help me see so I could become better.

I teach life skills, with gospel principles, that will enhance your understanding and open your eyes to see a more compassionate and Christlike way of living.  I will teach you how your brain works and how to manage your thoughts and emotions. My hope is that your testimony will be strengthened as you practice these principles with a new perspective, as mine has.

We were not meant to journey this life alone.  We need each other. I offer my love and help to you…

Are you ready to find answers you’ve been searching for?  Do you want the opportunity to see life differently? Do you want to become a better wife, a better mother, and a better friend? The time is now and I’m here for you!

If you choose to join me, you will go on a personal development journey.
We’ll be discovering the foundational principles, and gaining life skills,
to improve your relationships in a new and exciting way.


Check out the Blog for great bits of wisdom and lessons HERE!!